The Official patient and parent blog for The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM & littleSTEPS foot orthotics.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
Treat Your Feet and be Thankful!
With Thanksgiving next week and then the big holiday rush (cue the muzak), I'm sure most of your are getting pretty tired. Especially those of you who stand on their feet all day, and then go home to stand in the kitchen and cook! Do you know your feet can cause pain all the way up your body?
Like the foundation of a house, it all begins at the ground. Your foot structure often contributes to shin, knee, hip or back pain. Have you ever wondered how a higher arch can increase the likelihood of heel pain and ankle instability, which in turn changes the way you walk? Are you aware that most adults have a leg that is longer?
Pamper yourself this holiday season and go visit a qualified clinician and find out your foot type. Each foot type requires a different type of correction to align your feet, legs, and spine. Your clinician can explain how your foot type contributes to the type of pain you are experiencing, and how orthotics properly balance feet and can dramatically improve your overall posture and strength and decrease your pain.
Why wait? Find a Practitioner who sells QUADRASTEPS and littleSTEPS for kids.
For more
information EMAIL
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS
FB: @quadrasteps
Thursday, August 22, 2019
It's time for Back To School recommendations!
It's time for Back To School recommendations!

Watch Dr. Louis DeCaro on Mass Appeal with his Back To School Shoe Recommendations!

Watch Dr. Louis DeCaro on Mass Appeal with his Back To School Shoe Recommendations!
For more
information EMAIL US
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS
FB: @quadrasteps
Friday, July 19, 2019
Ever Wonder Why You Would Need a Foot Orthotic?
Your Feet Are Important!
the foundation of a house, it all begins at the ground. Yes, flat feet are
often the cause of foot pain. But, did you know that your foot structure often
contributes to common ailments such as shin, knee, hip or back pain?
you ever wondered how a higher arch can increase the likelihood of heel pain
and ankle instability which in turn changes the way you walk?
Are you
aware that most adults have a leg that is longer? In fact, the majority of individuals have some
degree of limb inequality either in structure or function.

Do you wonder if it can actually be healthy to wear
a heel occasionally?
Did You Know Your Foot
Type is Genetic? Your foot type and how
you walk is inherited from your parents, just like hair and eye color. You
won't "outgrow" your foot problems, and your kids will
inherit your feet!
Foot Orthotics can help with all
these conditions, as they actually help to stabilize and control the way you
walk so that you are aligned properly, and you have a stronger foundation. That
can result in alleviation of pain and symptoms in ALL areas of your body, not
just your feet.
Why Treat All Feet the Same?
feet are not like anyone else's, why should your foot orthotics be the same?
The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® is based on the different structural
and functional aspects of the foot, categorizing them into 6 specific foot
"types". Each foot type influences not only how you walk, but the
conditions and symptoms that you may experience throughout your life.
The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® provides truly corrective
prefabricated foot orthotics (not just arch supports) that can bring immediate
improvement to your symptoms! Your practitioner can select
a device with the correct features for you, based on your foot type.
QUADRASTEP® orthotics are the closest
you can get to a custom orthotic, without the expense and
Your practitioner can explain how properly balanced
feet can dramatically improve your overall posture and strength to optimize
your bio-mechanical wellness.
To find a practitioner that can dispense QUADRASTEP® orthotics, check our Find a Practitioner page
on and get RELIEF NOW!
For more
information EMAIL US
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS
FB: @quadrasteps
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Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Tips for Athlete's Feet from Dr. DeCaro
Watch Dr. DeCaro on Mass Appeal on Channel NBC 22
with tips on how to keep your feet in great shape!
Friday, June 28, 2019
Summer Foot Woes
Most of us really enjoy the summer, we get a chance to get
outside and enjoy the weather and our surroundings. It’s the time of year where
we shed layers of clothing to stay cool – and that can include our footwear.
Who doesn’t love going barefoot? Sandals? Love ‘em! But unprotective or poor
choices in footwear can lead to foot pain or other foot health issues if you
aren’t careful.
Here are some common problems to watch out for so that you
don’t ruin your summer fun!
Going Barefoot
I love the feeling of sand between by toes at the beach, but
what I don’t love is stepping on something sharp and cutting the bottom of my
foot and then limping around and trying to keep it clean while I try to find a
band-aid! It’s a better idea to wear sandals or flip flops (one of the times
they are useful) while you are walking on the sand.
The same goes for running around barefoot in your yard and
stepping on a rock or doing yard work barefoot and dropping something on your
toe – no one wants to spend their weekend having surgery. Always wear sneakers
or other protective shoes when you or your kids are working or playing in your
Also, you can cause foot pain when walking barefoot,
especially people who have high arches. They need a shoe or sandal that is
supportive of their arch, or you can cause overstretching which can be very
Flip Flops or “Cute”

Kid’s Sports Cleats
Many kids are playing summer sports during the hot summer
months, and it is common for kids to experience heel pain from baseball cleats.
They are often poorly made and the cleats on the heel can result in bruising of
the growth plate at the heel in children. There is also little to no arch
support in most kid’s cleats. An orthotic goes a long way to alleviate the
stress and pain cause by these unsupportive shoes.
Many people simply forget to apply sunscreen to their feet,
causing painful sunburn and sometimes swelling that makes it difficult to put
on shoes or sometimes even walk around.
With the summer comes the desire to look our best and “get
into shape”, and many people tend to jump right in and sometimes overdo it.
People wear shoes that are old and worn out to exercise in, and they are not
supportive enough in the right places. There also tends to be more overuse
injuries such as stress fractures and tendonitis. Wear a good, supportive,
stability shoe and doesn’t’ wait untilt he are worn out to get a new pair.
Check with your clinician to see if you could benefit form foot orthotics to
help support your feet, ankles, knees, hips and back.
Hot, Sweaty Feet
All the sweating and swelling that running around in the summer
can lead to can also cause some other problems such as corns and blisters. Be
sure to wear cushioned socks with your footwear, and if you have corns or
blisters, try blister pads over the blisters and donut pads over the corns to
keep them from getting more painful.
Athletes foot can
also be more of a problem in the summer because more people can be running around
barefoot spreading it, so be sure to wear flip flops (again – one of the times
they are useful!) around the pool and at the gym shower.
For many of us this is one of our favorite times of the year,
so keep your feet in mind and have a safe, happy, wonderful, fun-filled summer!
Friday, June 21, 2019
Pediatric Footwear: What You Need to Know
Note: The author wishes to thank Bernie Veldman, CO, Lori Watson, BA, and Mindy Grant, PMA for their assistance with this article.
Those who specialize in podopediatrics are commonly faced with the challenge of treating not only by proper orthotic or brace control, but also finding the correct shoe to complement the care. The common goal with all pediatric foot orthoses is to help children gain mobility, ultimately giving them a better quality of life. Proper support gives a child the gift of running, jumping, and playing with confidence and stability. Providing the orthotic device is only half of the solution; proper shoe fit is equally important. Although finding the proper shoes for a child can be challenging, the benefits outweigh the challenges and inconveniences. All recommended measures should be taken to ensure that the child is safe and stable today, as well as protected from potential foot deformities in the future.
Identifying the Problem
When a child complains of pain, or abnormalities in gait are observed, steps should be taken to ensure correct treatment. Unfortunately, children might not verbalize symptoms, so it is important to watch for these biomechanical changes throughout their gait cycle. Often times, mild to moderate foot and ankle problems are ignored by primary caregivers until the child complains of pain. Parents and caregivers should also be aware of fatigue levels, stamina, speed, agility, and coordination when watching their children during physical activities. Understanding when to contact a podiatrist is important!
“Growing pains,” may not be just that, and may be attributed to the biomechanical implications of the feet on the rest of the body. Sadly, if you take a poll of the millions of Americans with foot problems, the magnitude of crippling foot deformities in the United States is concerning. It becomes obvious that most people do not “grow out” of their foot problems, and those “growing pains” were actually a medical issue left untreated (Figure 1).
Flexible Flatfoot
The most commonly ignored foot problem in children is the flexible flat foot, which may coincide with either intoeing or out-toeing. Typical presentation of the flexible flat foot is an apparent “normal” arch in non-weight-bearing, with hyper-mobility and excessive vertical collapse of the arch in weightbearing. Common adaptations in gait are in-toeing and toe-walking, both mechanisms that have a supinatory effect on the foot.With the inability to adequately lock the mid-tarsal joint, functions such as efficient running, jumping, and balancing on challenging surfaces are impaired, not to mention muscle fatigue and abnormal shoe wear. The challenge of early diagnosis is that it is normal to have an apparent low-arched foot before the age of three, and most children do not have a well-developed arch before age four. X-rays, gait analysis, and physical exam by a podiatrist can help guide parents on whether their child’s foot is normal. Most children with mild to moderate flexible flat foot benefit from sturdy shoes and a pre-fabricated orthotic device as an important part of their treatment (Figure 2).
Figure 2:When combined with supportive footwear, littleSTEPS, a prefabricated orthotic device, are an effective treatment for flexible flatfoot.
Excessively Rigid High-Arched Foot
Conversely, having an excessively rigid high-arched foot can also lead to abnormal biomechanics. Hypo-mobility in the foot leads to poor shock attenuation through the limbs and axial skeleton. Often, permanent damage to joint cartilage and ligaments has already occurred by the time parents seek help for their child. Abnormal foot mechanics is not really much different than a car out of alignment. Abnormal tire wear is a “symptom” of a mal-alignment.
It makes no sense to change the tires (or take an anti-inflammatory) before you fix the underlying mal-alignment with proper footwear and orthoses if necessary.
Inappropriate or ill-fitting footwear
Children who wear inappropriate or ill-fitting footwear can develop foot deformities later in life. Bunions, corns, calluses, and hammertoes can all be medical consequences of ill- fitting, inappropriate footwear options. Children are also at risk for developing ingrown toenails and fungal nail infections due to shoes fitting too tightly. Friction from tight-fitting shoes can cause the nail to grow abnormally and into the skin. Poor air flow can create moist environments where fungal spores can flourish. Foot health greatly depends on properly fitted footwear.
Measurement and Fit
Once we as podiatrists have decided the degree of supportive footwear that is necessary, determining the proper fit is the next step for the parents. Children’s feet should be measured monthly to ensure that the child is wearing the appropriate size. Children typically outgrow a pair of shoes before they wear out the shoes. Parents should perform monthly checks to determine whether their child has outgrown his or her shoes. They should be instructed to palpate the tip the hallux (or longest toe) and the ball of the foot. There should be 1 cm of space between the tip of the longest toe and the end of the shoe. In addition, the ball of the foot (the widest part of the foot) should be in the widest part of the shoe. If there is not enough room in the toe box, the child’s toe movement is restricted. Constricting shoes also restrict blood and air flow. It is important to consider that the risk of developing foot problems later in life, such as hammertoes and bunions, is reduced when a child wears properly fitting shoes. It is critical that the parent check the fit of the child’s shoes regularly and purchase new shoes when the child has outgrown them, not when the shoes are worn out.
Shoe Buying
When purchasing new shoes for a child, it is important that he or she be present to try them on. The child should first be measured with a Brannock device to determine which shoe size to begin with. Ensuring that both feet are measured while the child is weight-bearing is critical. It is common to have one foot that is slightly larger; therefore, measuring only one foot could result in purchasing the wrong size. The child should also wear the socks that he or she normally wears. Proper fit depends on finding footwear that accommodates the length, width and thickness of the foot. Observe for excessive heel slippage during gait. If excessive heel slippage is noted, try a different size or style/last. Always encourage the parents of children to have them walk around in the shoes to make sure they fit comfortably.
If a child wears an orthotic, SMO, or AFO, parents should bring that device with them to ensure that it will fit into the shoes. If a child is not available to try on shoes, providing the pedorthist or shoe-fitting clerk with a tracing of the child’s foot is an option.
Relying on an assumed child’s shoe size alone may result in ill-fitting footwear. Although tempting as a costcutting measure, parents should be discouraged from purchasing shoes with “room to grow.” The child will struggle to keep the shoes on properly, causing his foot to shift back and forth in the shoe, potentially causing blisters. In addition, for the most accurate fit, take achild shoe-shopping later in the day when swelling of the feet will be more pronounced. This is even true in kids!
Purchasing the correct size, and maintaining proper fit is important to maintaining foot health.
Picking Out Footwear
Once the child has tried on several pairs of shoes, determine if the shoes are appropriate for the child’s needs. Exposing the natural internal sole of the shoe will tell you a great deal about the manufacturing quality of the product. Look for a smooth surface that is free of glues, rough spots, or exposed materials that can cause abrasions, breakdown, and discomfort.
Closely examine the shoe to see what role the insoles play in creating a firm, supportive cavity. The support and strength of the shoe should a byproduct of its construction, and not created by the use of the insoles. Examining footwear closely will help you to ensure the quality of the child’s shoes.
What to Consider If a Child Wears An Orthotic, AFO, or SMO
If the child wears orthotics, an SMO, or an AFO, finding appropriate footwear to accommodate these devices can be a daunting task. Even pre-fabricated foot orthoses, such as the littleSTEPS pediatric orthotics, are being designed with deeper heel cups and correction to spare the parent the cost of the out-growth of comparable custom devices. Therefore, there is a rapidly increasing need for accommodative footwear. A great deal of effort is placed in finding shoes that are wide enough, deep enough, and long enough. Unfortunately, until recently, this search often ended in parents purchasing shoes that were as much as two sizes larger than the natural foot to satisfy the demands of the orthotics.
To keep up with the growing demand to accommodate orthotics, footwear companies such as Keeping Pace and Sure Step are designing shoes specifically with children’s adaptive footwear needs in mind.
Here are some important elements to look for in choosing a specialty shoe:
• Internal engineering with adjustable depth technology
• Wider heel and toe box that accommodates the orthosis without compromise
• Distinctive sole with increased contact surface to promote greater medial/ lateral stability
• Ankle-to-toe speed lacing with locking eyelets for faster on-off and ease of wear-ability
• Geometrically graded last that ensures precision fit
• Fray-resistant lining and high abrasion-resistant toe cap to ensure durability.
When looking for an added-depth shoe, it is important to note that a shoe that has more than one insole does not necessarily mean that it is deeper and ill accommodate an AFO, SMO, or orthotic. It is necessary to take a look at the depth gained upon removing
the insole and what happens to the integrity of the shoe once the insoles are removed. Also, children wearing rigid AFOs do not require flexible soles due to the rigid AFO. The firmer the rubber bottom sole, the higher the abrasion tolerance, particularly for toe draggers, children who scissor, and those with challenging gait patterns.
The differences between a regular athletic shoe and footwear from companies such as Sure Step footwear include depth, durability, and flexibility. Perhaps the most unique feature is the tread design which allows the foot to intrinsically move. The sole is equipped with two extra deep cross cuts to provide the necessary flexibility to allow a “break” as the third rocker is approached, facilitating more normal, natural movement of the foot through push-off. The wide, rounded toe box with added depth makes fitting these unique shoes over AFOs, SMOs, or other orthoses, an easy task. The additional 3/8” instep depth accommodates any dorsal strapping that an orthosis may contain. Each shoe comes complete with two 1/8” removable inserts, making slight leg length discrepancy adjustments a quick and easy task. When greater adjustments are needed to the shoe height, a cutline is provided to make sole removal worry free.
Best Foot Forward
In the past, footwear options for children using braces and orthotics were dismal. Children who require specialty shoes want to be as fashionable as their peers. Fortunately, some companies, such as Keeping Pace and Sure Step, offer contemporary fashion and stylish looks in addition to well-engineered design. Fashion is important to children: if children like the look of their shoes, they will wear them. Some fashion choices, like high heels for adolescent girls, should be avoided due to the numerous health consequences. High heels and confining shape create an uneven distribution of weight which can increase risk of bunions, hammertoes and other foot deformities. Lately, there is also a trend of wearing shoes very loosely laced. Appropriate footwear requires proper lacing techniques. Without proper lacing techniques, the foot is not secured in the shoe and can be vulnerable to instability and injury. Laces that are too tight can interfere with circulation and may also cause injuries such as tendonitis.
Supportive, stabile footwear is critical to maintaining foot health. Whether the footwear is supporting a child during sporting activities, or stabilizing the child while jumping and playing, footwear protects feet from injury when appropriate choices are made.
Although there can be many different factors to consider, especially when accommodating an orthotic, AFO, or SMO, the benefits are astounding. Giving a child the gift of greater mobility ensures overall health and wellbeing for many years to come.
Louis J. DeCaro, DPM
specializes in pediatrics with a special interest in sports medicine and biomechanics. He is a member of the American College of Foot & Ankle Pediatrics and a member of the surgical & medical staff at Cooley Dickinson Hospital and Franklin Medical Center. He is currently in private practice with two private offices located in South Deerfield, and Easthampton MA. He is the director and founder of the Multidisciplinary Adult & Pediatric Gait Labs Biomechanics Clinic, which takes place biweekly at his Easthampton office. His email is
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Did you know that Medicare and other insurance providers cover the cost of shoes and insoles for their diabetic policy holders?
Stride Pedorthic Center in Middlebury CT carries Premium Diabetic Footwear by New Balance, Anodyne and Other Brands.
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes are susceptible to diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy and coronary disease and high blood pressure which affect the eyes, kidneys and heart. As these problems arise, they may be treated systemically by a physician.
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes are also prone to diabetic neuropathy which commonly affects the feet—this, fortunately, can be accommodated by you and a qualified shoe fitter.
Diabetic neuropathy often manifests as numbness, tingling, temperature extremes and/or pain. Proper shoe style, shape, materials and size & width are vital in reducing diabetic foot discomfort. Also, due to a lack of foot sensation, a patient may not notice friction or deformity caused by an ill-fitted shoe—this may lead to abrasion, ulceration, infection and in many cases, partial or complete amputation of the foot. Proper shoe fit has proven to be a very effective means by which to prevent major injury to the neuropathic foot.
In addition to a well-fitted shoe, an accommodative insole, custom-molded or heat-molded to match the contours of the bottom of a patient’s foot, will provide further protection of the foot against potentially harmful pressures. If a patient’s foot has undergone partial amputation, accommodative insoles can be augmented with prosthetic fillers to improve shoe fit.
Our clinicians have years of diabetic shoe fitting experience and are eager to fit you with a shoe that you will like to wear.
Call Stride TODAY for a FREE Diabetic Shoe Fitting at 203.758.8307
Find Stride at,,
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes are susceptible to diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy and coronary disease and high blood pressure which affect the eyes, kidneys and heart. As these problems arise, they may be treated systemically by a physician.
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes are also prone to diabetic neuropathy which commonly affects the feet—this, fortunately, can be accommodated by you and a qualified shoe fitter.
Diabetic neuropathy often manifests as numbness, tingling, temperature extremes and/or pain. Proper shoe style, shape, materials and size & width are vital in reducing diabetic foot discomfort. Also, due to a lack of foot sensation, a patient may not notice friction or deformity caused by an ill-fitted shoe—this may lead to abrasion, ulceration, infection and in many cases, partial or complete amputation of the foot. Proper shoe fit has proven to be a very effective means by which to prevent major injury to the neuropathic foot.
In addition to a well-fitted shoe, an accommodative insole, custom-molded or heat-molded to match the contours of the bottom of a patient’s foot, will provide further protection of the foot against potentially harmful pressures. If a patient’s foot has undergone partial amputation, accommodative insoles can be augmented with prosthetic fillers to improve shoe fit.
Our clinicians have years of diabetic shoe fitting experience and are eager to fit you with a shoe that you will like to wear.
Find Stride at,,
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Beware of Flip Flops!
As the weather changes to warmer and sunnier, we are all excited to get out the summer shorts, and yes, the flip flops! As popular as they are, they can cause some serious problems for your feet and your body.
The lack of an arch can cause the plantar fascia to abnormally stretch in the arch, which can lead to plantar fasciitis and heel pain. The lack of a supportive sole doesn't offer proper shock absorption, which can lead to stress fractures.
The thong that separates your toes on flip flops can cause blisters irritation, and wounds, as well as making your toes scrunch at the wrong time as you walk. This can shorten your stride and make you leg muscles work harder, leading to conditions like claw toes, shin splints, and muscle pain. The lack of a backstrap can can also cause the toes to scrunch more to get a grip on the flip flop, leading to the same conditions.
Flip flops can also harbor bacteria and fungi, so it is important to disinfect then regularly. They also get pretty slippery in wet grass or around the pool, and you have to be careful not to run in them and slip out of them and fall! (guilty)
And last but not least, there are many emergency room visits from tripping over your flip flops and stubbing toes. You can tear your toenails, fracture to your toes, and sprain your toes or ankles. Not to mention the people who do yard work in flip flops and injure or amputate their toes ðŸ˜. And have you ever gotten your flip flop stuck under the gas or break pedal while driving? You should NEVER drive or do yard work in flip flops - always wear protective shoes when working around equipment.
Flip Flops are best worn around the pool for a short time. If you have to wear them, please limit your time and be step carefully!
The lack of an arch can cause the plantar fascia to abnormally stretch in the arch, which can lead to plantar fasciitis and heel pain. The lack of a supportive sole doesn't offer proper shock absorption, which can lead to stress fractures.
The thong that separates your toes on flip flops can cause blisters irritation, and wounds, as well as making your toes scrunch at the wrong time as you walk. This can shorten your stride and make you leg muscles work harder, leading to conditions like claw toes, shin splints, and muscle pain. The lack of a backstrap can can also cause the toes to scrunch more to get a grip on the flip flop, leading to the same conditions.
Flip flops can also harbor bacteria and fungi, so it is important to disinfect then regularly. They also get pretty slippery in wet grass or around the pool, and you have to be careful not to run in them and slip out of them and fall! (guilty)
And last but not least, there are many emergency room visits from tripping over your flip flops and stubbing toes. You can tear your toenails, fracture to your toes, and sprain your toes or ankles. Not to mention the people who do yard work in flip flops and injure or amputate their toes ðŸ˜. And have you ever gotten your flip flop stuck under the gas or break pedal while driving? You should NEVER drive or do yard work in flip flops - always wear protective shoes when working around equipment.
Flip Flops are best worn around the pool for a short time. If you have to wear them, please limit your time and be step carefully!
Friday, May 10, 2019
Troubleshooting: Getting Foot Orthotics to Fit Correctly in your Shoes.
By Kylie Pearce, B.Sc (Podiatry), C.Ped
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS
There’s an old maxim in the Podiatry
and Pedorthic world that, an orthotic is only as good as the shoe you put it
in. This has proven to be very true and it is worth discussing this in detail
when going over orthotic therapy as an option. This is commonly referred to as
having the ‘shoe talk’. It doesn’t matter how expensive and customized your
foot orthotics may be, they could end up having little functionality and benefit
if you decide to wear them in shoes that are worn, fit incorrectly or aren’t well
designed to accommodate foot orthotics.
It’s important to educate anyone who is
considering foot orthotics that they need to look at what shoes they will wear
with them and make sure that the shoes aren’t too small to accommodate the
orthotic devices because orthotics do take up some room in your shoes and there
needs to be adequate, length, width and depth to ensure that your feet will fit
correctly in your shoes with foot orthotics.
It’s really important that the
orthotics sit correctly at the back of the shoe, the heel cup should cup around
your heel and there shouldn’t be any gap between the orthotic and the back of
your shoe (heel counter). If you have shoes that a long enough, wide enough and
deep enough, there are a few other factors to consider. Many shoes have a build
in foot bed, if you remove this and replace it with your orthotics then usually
fit problems are lessened. But in certain shoe styles, like elastic sided boots,
the orthotics have a tendency to slip forward, especially if the heel height is
greater than an inch. If you are wanting to wear your orthotics in shoes that
have heels higher than an inch, you should discuss this with the practitioner
who is issuing your orthotics because the orthotics may need to be customized
for this.
Unfortunately these days, many athletic
shoe models aren’t orthotic friendly. Shoe brands that are notoriously bad for
accommodating orthotics are Nike, Adidas and Reebok. Please refer to our shoe
recommendations by foot type list that you can download here.
Here’s some tips on troubleshooting
these problems:
The orthotic isn’t seating itself
back far enough in the shoe, or it has a tendency to slide forward when
you put your foot in the shoe. This is commonly because of shoe fit or shoe
style problems as discussed above but if you have shoes that fit correctly and
are a suitable style then a simple way to prevent this is to use a little bit
of double-sided tape or Velcro to ensure that the orthotic doesn’t slip
forward. If the orthotics do slide forward when you are putting on your shoes,
usually if you tap the back of your heels the orthotics will slide back into
place and often your weight is enough to keep them there. If not, try the
Velcro or tape trick. Just place double-sided tape under the heel of the
orthotic and in the center of the heel area in your shoe if you are using
The other possible problem is that the orthotic is too wide. To test this, stand on the orthotic outside your shoes and look down at your feet. If the orthotic is not wider than the circumference of your foot i.e., you can’t see any of the orthotic when you are looking down then the orthotic is not too wide! If the orthotic is wider than your foot, your practitioner can have this adjusted for you.
So it basically comes down to:
The orthotic is too wide - this is rare because your orthotics should have been fitted correctly when issued to you.
Or, the shoe is too small (not wide enough, deep enough or long enough).
The other possible problem is that the orthotic is too wide. To test this, stand on the orthotic outside your shoes and look down at your feet. If the orthotic is not wider than the circumference of your foot i.e., you can’t see any of the orthotic when you are looking down then the orthotic is not too wide! If the orthotic is wider than your foot, your practitioner can have this adjusted for you.
So it basically comes down to:
The orthotic is too wide - this is rare because your orthotics should have been fitted correctly when issued to you.
Or, the shoe is too small (not wide enough, deep enough or long enough).
Or the shoe style isn’t really suitable
for orthotics.
If your orthotics feel good and look like they fit correctly when you are standing on the orthotics when they’re not in the shoe, then it’s most likely a poor fit between the orthotic and the shoe. Have a look to see if the orthotic sits all the way back into the shoe. Some shoe styles, like dress shoes or even Nikes and Adidas – really cut out the midfoot and the orthotic doesn’t sit properly in the heel counter. This can be an issue. The answer is to look for a better shoe style, or cut the orthotic down, which reduces correction, so this is only indicated when the orthotic is too wide or if there are restrictions on what styles of shoes can be worn. Sometimes there is a balance between getting the right amount of correction and getting orthotics that fit well in your shoes. But in my experience starting off with the right shoe style that accommodates foot orthotics well and fits your feet correctly will get you off on the right foot in regard to getting you the maximum benefit from wearing foot orthotics.
If your orthotics feel good and look like they fit correctly when you are standing on the orthotics when they’re not in the shoe, then it’s most likely a poor fit between the orthotic and the shoe. Have a look to see if the orthotic sits all the way back into the shoe. Some shoe styles, like dress shoes or even Nikes and Adidas – really cut out the midfoot and the orthotic doesn’t sit properly in the heel counter. This can be an issue. The answer is to look for a better shoe style, or cut the orthotic down, which reduces correction, so this is only indicated when the orthotic is too wide or if there are restrictions on what styles of shoes can be worn. Sometimes there is a balance between getting the right amount of correction and getting orthotics that fit well in your shoes. But in my experience starting off with the right shoe style that accommodates foot orthotics well and fits your feet correctly will get you off on the right foot in regard to getting you the maximum benefit from wearing foot orthotics.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Do You Have Questions? WE HAVE ANSWERS!!
We get great questions every day from our patients, and if they are about something we think other patients may be wondering about we add them to our FAQ on our patient portal.
Here are a few examples:
Here are a few examples:
QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® foot orthotics are sold through Practitioners and clinicians. You may use our FIND A PRACTITIONER Tool to locate someone in your area. If there is not a local practitioner or clinician in your area, you can Email Us and we will try to assist you in finding someone that you can order from online or by phone.
Most patients should be able to gradually increase their wear time over a 7-10 day period. This begins with normal activity and gradually works towards more strenuous activities, such as sports. It is recommended that all foot orthoses be worn with socks to avoid blisters.
Depending on usage and body size, a pair of our orthoses should last approximately 1-2 years. You should check you orthotics every few months for signs of wear and tear that might change the way your orthotics are supporting your feet.
For more Q&A, please refer to our FAQ page, and as always, we love to hear from you!
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Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS
FB: @quadrasteps
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Common Foot and Ankle Problems
Here are some of the most common reasons for foot and ankle problems:
- Injuries
- Congenital foot deformities that occur at birth and can be hereditary
- Infections (bacterial, fungal, or viral)
- Arthritis affecting one or multiple joints
- Tumors, abnormal growths, and neoplasms
- Issues that arise from ill-fitting or improper footwear, stress, or mechanical changes
Here is a list of some common foot and ankle problems people experience:
Bunions: A bunion is a deformity of the big toe joint that results from bone misalignment or repositioning at the joint. Although bunions occur most frequently at the base of the big toe, they can also arise on the outside of the foot at the base of the small toe.
Fractures: Bones are susceptible to two kinds of fractures: stress and general. Stress fractures are small fissures or cracks in the surface of the bone and usually occur in the forefoot, or the area from the mid-foot extending to the toes. General fractures travel into the bone beyond its surface and can be stable or displaced, as well as closed or open. Stress fractures can become general fractures if not properly treated.
Hammertoe: Hammertoe occurs when the second, third, or fourth toe bends at the middle joint, often as a result of wearing ill-fitting shoes. Genetics, arthritis, and muscle imbalance can also cause hammertoe. With hammertoe, the toe bends downward, rather than pointing straight forward.
Plantar fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, the fibrous tissue that runs along the arch of the foot to connect the heel bone and ball of the forefoot. Heel spurs are not the same as plantar fasciitis; however, the two are often associated. Since the plantar fascia is subjected to great amounts of impact and pressure while supporting the foot’s arch, it can become inflamed and irritated. In some cases, it begins to deteriorate.
Heel spurs: Spurs are outgrowths of bone. In the feet, they most commonly occur in the heel. The spurs usually develop in areas subjected to constant pressure. Heel spurs, or bone spurs in the heel, occur on the bottom of the heel bone as a result of calcium deposits forming over time. They frequently accompany the condition plantar fasciitis.
Ingrown toenails: Ingrown toenails, known as onychocryptosis, most commonly occur on the big toe and are caused by pressure that drives the edge of the nail into the surrounding skin. This results in pain, redness, inflammation, swelling, and sometimes, infection. Clipping the toenails too short or exercising poor foot hygiene can also lead to ingrown toenails. Runners and those with toe deformities can also be prone to ingrown toenails.
Neuromas: Neuromas are benign growths of nerve tissue, or nerve tumors, that form when the nerves are irritated by surrounding tissue rubbing against them. Symptoms of a neuroma include intense pain, swelling, tingling, numbness, and/ or a burning sensation in the toes and forefoot area. Neuromas most frequently develop between the third and fourth toes.
Sesamoiditis: In the foot, there are two sesamoids underneath the top of the foot and near the big toe that allow the big toe to move up and down freely. These help with push-off activities such as walking, running, and climbing. Since the sesamoids are exposed to excessive force and pressure during weight-bearing activities, sports, and exercises, they are often prone to injury and trauma, as well as stress from overuse or from standing on hard surfaces for prolonged periods. Sesamoids can fracture or become inflamed.
Ankle Sprain: When the ankle bones twist or receive too much force, the ligaments surrounding the outside of the bones may suffer from over-stretching or tearing, resulting in a painful ankle sprain. There are different levels of severity when it comes to ankle sprains, and if the sprain is not properly diagnosed and treated, it can cause permanent, lasting ankle trouble.
Shin splints: Shin splints, a common condition, happen when the muscles or tendons surrounding the leg bone become inflamed, irritated, and painful, which can result from overuse, a collapsing arch, stress fractures in the lower leg bones, or imbalance between opposite leg muscle groups. Shin splints can be prevented by properly stretching prior to and after exercise, sports, or activity. Corrective shoes or corrective orthotics can also be used to prevent shin splints.
It is important for a patient to seek medical care as soon as possible, as immediate, proper diagnoses, treatments, and care can prevent problems from worsening or resulting in permanent damage.
Our QUADRASTEPS Foot Orthotics for adults can address discomfort from many common foot problems, see your practitioner and find out your Foot Type! Each Foot type has it's own unique foot pathologies, and each one treats a different set of symptoms.
Get relief TODAY! Find a practitioner who dispenses QUADRASTEP foot orthotics.
Our QUADRASTEPS Foot Orthotics for adults can address discomfort from many common foot problems, see your practitioner and find out your Foot Type! Each Foot type has it's own unique foot pathologies, and each one treats a different set of symptoms.
Get relief TODAY! Find a practitioner who dispenses QUADRASTEP foot orthotics.
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information EMAIL US
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS
FB: @quadrasteps
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