What Patients and Parents have to say about QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® foot orthotics
"As a mother and a physical therapist I became concerned when my child, Ava, began in-toeing significantly. By age three she was tripping over her own two feet. We followed up with an orthopedist and she was diagnosed with tibial torsion and hip anteversion. Despite the diagnoses, we were given little suggestion for treatment. After researching littleSTEPS® orthotics, I fitted her using the printout from the website, ordered her size, and received them in the mail in less than three days! We noticed and immediate difference with the alignment of her legs, and most importantly with the decrease in scraped knees from falling. Ava loves her inserts, calls them her "cups" and wears them with pride. I am confident that I am helping my child achieve the best possible alignment during her development , all thanks to littleSTEPS®." - Melissa M, parent and practitioner
"The QUADRASTEPS® are great! I have two different foot types and was curious how my body would adjust to using them. It took me about 2 weeks to wean them in full time for work and exercise but they've helped significantly. I've always thought my low back pain was related to other issues but I can't tell you how much better it feels using the inserts. As a physical therapist and a consumer, I would recommend the QUADRASTEP® orthotics to my patients, family, and friends."
Thanks again, Brittany
"I honestly can't tell you the difference it has made with her – her teachers, our family and I all agree. She WANTS to wear her sneakers every day and tells me they help her run super-fast!! ...– she was running around crazy and I have never seen her do that before her magical (littleSTEPS®)inserts. Thank you for helping her be able to run and play and not know the difference." - Shannon M
Ask your Practitioner TODAY to be fitted for a pair of QUADRASTEPS® or littleSTEPS®!If you don't have a Practitioner yet, let us help you FIND ONE.
@LSteps @QuadraSTEPSFB: @quadrastepsnolaro24.com
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