Friday, February 21, 2020

Do You Know Your All Important Foot Type?

Did you know that the function of your feet, how you walk, and common conditions are all genetic? If your parents had flat feet, or bunions, or shin splits, chances are that you could have these conditions too? You also stand the chance of passing these conditions along to your kids. 

WE CAN HELP! There is something you can do about it before symptoms become worse. Find someone who can tell you your foot type and what symptoms and conditions you are likely to experience throughout your lifetime. There are ways to treat these conditions to help prevent further pain or deterioration. A well-fitting pair of functional orthotics is one of the ways you can stabilize your body, walk correctly, and experience less painful symptoms.

ASK YOUR PRACTITIONER How you can get foot typed and get started on a path to less PAIN. If you don't have a practitioner, we can help you find one. Check our FIND A PRACTITIONER tool on our website.

And don't forget your kids, we have children's models available. For more info check our website.

For more information EMAIL US
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS

Friday, February 7, 2020

March Madness and Sports Injuries

I would like to pass on a BLOG from from our friend Dr. Timothy Barry of Family Foot & Ankle Care of Jasper Indiana, about Sports Injuries.

Read the article HERE.

For more information EMAIL US
Twitter: @LSteps @QuadraSTEPS